14 August 2013

Gran Sasso

My father's house in Italy is situated near the mountain Gran Sasso d'Italia. So one day we drove up on the mountain to this plateau that quite simply took my breath away. Sometimes you just get overwhelmed by nature and the quiet beauty of it, and that was what happened to me that day. My photos from there do not do the place any justice.
 I try to jump...
 In the region of Abbruzzo, they have this thing called arrosticini - spears with lamb roasted on a grill specifically made for this food. It's so good.
 The youngest.
 "Let's open an arrosticini-place right here!" There was nothing around for miles.
 These photos make me laugh.
 We drove up to this old ski lodge (world's scariest and saddest looking resort building if you ask me) where Mussolini had been held captive by partisans during WWII. They were very proud of that.
On the way back we drove by this little town, Castel del Monte. I love Italians for building towns like that. Like it's the most natural thing in the world; building on and around a mountain.

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