14 July 2012

Unless you speak from your heart

 My summer's measured out in small episodes each involving either a goodbye or a hello. This week was goodbye to an amazing internship. I have to start packing my things together. Again. I think, if I count everything together, I've moved around 16 times in my life... The older I get the more annoying it becomes to have to pack up things, unpack them, pack them again, but I haven't shed the feeling of adventure each time. When I was a kid and my parents told me we had to move, I was always the only one of my siblings that cheared and couldn't wait for new adventures. I still have that feeling when I move, but now there's all sorts of things surrounding a move that I could definitely live without. Oh well, next stop; adventure.
 This week I ate 'dronningemandler' as I sat up late in front of the computer working while Copenhagen grew dark outside.
 My view from the office window wasn't always so bright...
 I visited the new Coffee Collective with Chris (I'll tell more later!)
 I said 'see you' to the beatiful office building.
 And Friday night was spent in Jægersborggade with Mette where we sat on stairs listening to jazz while we ate risotto and yummy desserts from Grød.
 Beautiful Mette and a glass of red

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